Monday, May 14, 2012

StAmPiNgToN & CoMpAnY BlOg!

Just in case you haven't discovered the magnificent new Stampington & Company blog...
Be sure to pop on over and check it out!
You can get the complete info on exactly how to make my Baroque Chain Paper dolls.
They have lots of interesting projects for you to create, a fabulous array of highly detailed magazines
from which to choose and a wonderful assortment of unique crafting materials... everything you need to help you be CrEaTiVe! Click here to be instantly transported there...

Friday, May 4, 2012


Our trees needed trimming this year so I decided to recycle the left over branches, I just couldn't see letting all of that beautiful material go to waste.
There are two small bare spots just outside of the french doors that lead to our backyard.
I planted some thyme and sweet potato vines and needed to create a boarder to keep my little monkeys out.
And since I like to try my hand at a bit of everything I gathered together a few tools...
and began to trim a whole bunch of limbs, stripping all of the smaller inner branches off.
Then cut the larger ends down to a size that would fit the idea I had in mind and set aside the long willowy pieces for later.
I hammered about three inches of these stakes into the ground so that my little fence would be secure.
The trick I discovered is trying to keep them fairly evenly spaced out, I always learn by trial and error.
I started at one end and began to slowly weave the longer pieces in,
making sure to tuck them down tightly. I had some help from Julliette... well she was really just inspecting my work I think!
As I went along things began taking shape.
Did I mention I had help?!
Building up layer by layer,
till my little fence reached the perfect height.
It was so much fun building this,
it felt very satisfying to sit back and take a look at my work!
The opposite side was a shorter area
and the construction went much quicker.
Wolfgang had to put his two cents worth in too!
I'm happy I could use this "free" material...
and put it to good use!