Where Women Create

Inspiring Work Spaces of Extraordinary Women...

From the time we are small children,

a dream lies hidden deep in our heart.

Sometimes it is shared with our best,

most trusted friends;

but often it is kept hidden,

because the possibility of it ever happening

is too unbelievable to consider. (excerpt from the book Where Women Create by Jo Packham Sterling/Chapelle)

If you don't already have this little gem, run right out and get it!

Then enjoy and savor each page from cover to cover!

I have to say it is one of my FAVORITE books on the shelf! And never fails to inspire me!

And best of all, coming this fall, November 2008 to be exact,

is an exciting quarterly magazine, based on this AMAZING book!

Did I already say AMAZING? Well, I meant to say, AMAZINGLY EXCITING, INSPIRING, and absolutely EXTRAORDINARY!

I for one, am on the edge of my seat and have been for months now! I think it is just the most fantastic thing since

sliced bread! When I found out about the new publication, I took out my copy of WHERE WOMEN CREATE and reread it,

I mean really devoured every delicious morsel! I love having a peek into other peoples studios and work spaces!

And as for my "news" I've been jabbering on and on about for the past few weeks,

Well, I am happy to announce, I am so fortunate as to be writing a column for the visual feast that is on its way to newsstands everywhere!

I am so excited and just really thrilled to set out on this WHERE WOMEN CREATE adventure with all of you!

There now, Whew! The cats out of the bag, and we can all look forward to what's in store!

Mark your calendar's! You won't want to miss out! Now then,

have you ever wondered if that illusive little thing called "inspiration" can be captured and stored,

to be kept at the ready just when you need it?! I have just fairly recently discovered a wondrous, mechanical instrument that

will allow me to do just that! My camera! Silly, I know, but I have been having big fun with it, experimenting with amusing

and interesting ways in which to present the things I see and the way I see them...

To capture a host of magical, marvelous images,

and fleeting moments in space and time,

and share them with you!

I can hardly wait for the first issue to hit the stands, the BUZZZ is OUT!

And I know that Stampington & Company and Chapelle have some "Fabuloscity" in store! Just check out the list of featured All Star Artists:

Sally Jean Alexander , Marcia Ceppos of Tinsel Trading Company,

Jenny Doh Editor-in-Chief at Stampington & Company , Kaari Meng of The French General

Jen O'Conner of Earth Angels, just to name a few! I don't know about you, but I am just itching to get my hands on

a copy of this new Magazine and I'm crossing off the days! X X X X X

And so the Count Down begins!
*Edited July.25.08*
Pop on over to Jenny Doh's new blog "Crescendo" to read more about Where Women Create!
See you in two weeks my friends! Oh, and by the way, my One Year Blogging anniversary is coming up real soon and I'm planning on some fun giveaways, more about that next time! Adieu!