I have been seeing this One World One Heart logo on everyones blog and wanted to join in on all the fun! This is such a wonderful event hosted by Lisa Oceandreamer of
Heart of the Nest and I'm so happy to be able to participate!
And now for a young love story and Valentines Day giveaway!
My first *True Love 4Ever* was in 1st grade, he was the cutest little guy who always wore spank'n new jeans and plaid short sleeve shirts! He had a sweet crooked smile and big blue eyes!

When Valentines Day rolled around our teacher had us decorate brown paper lunch bags with red construction paper, white paper doilies and a little tub of paste glue ( remember the ones with the bristle brush connected to the lid)?!

We wrote our names on them and then she hung each one along the window sill with scotch tape and we all took turns going up and delivering our Valentines to the appropriate bag, with little Ooooo's and giggles when the "known"class crushes were deposited!

The teacher then handed out each bag to us along with a few pretty heart shaped sugar cookies adorned with red hots,

and we spent the remainder of the afternoon reading our Valentines and sipping on pink lemon aid punch! Ah, those were the days!

When I finally came to THE Valentine I was looking for it simply said:

I was smitten! Well, any way Bart moved away just before school was out for the summer and I never saw him again! I did sneak a kiss at recess out by the tether ball pole on his last day!

Leave your One World One Heart comment on this post and the winner will receive this precocious little "Misfit" he has a head of smooth white porcelain thats as translucent as an egg, a pink silk poofy hat decorated with 6 natural pink jade beads and a blooming rose collar I created with poly clay, the stand is an antique brass candle stick and the entire piece is just under 8 inches tall. It's the perfect little display piece to show off a collection of fancy brooches! I will pick the winner on Valentines Day and will ship him out to any corner of the earth! Be sure I have a way to notify you if you win!
Blogging has been such a fantastic creative outlet for me and am thrilled beyond words at the way we are able to connect with people all around the world and thanks to Lisa we have yet an even better way to share the LOVE!

Oh, and by the way I circled YES! But don't tell my husband!