Now I know exactly what they mean when

they say "She has a porcelain like complexion!"

I have been working on this doll for a while, tending to her now and then when I get a free moment, here and there.

It's funny but the medium I use dictates the way in which I paint. If I am using watercolors... it's very light, airy and delicate, with acrylics, its bloppy, sloppy and smooshy and when I paint on porcelain I tend to be very heavy handed. But I'm happy with the way she looks!

She is going to be a lady doll, dressed in fashionable period garb from the 1900's, a little horse hair stuffed bustle, black stockings that sport tiny embroidered white flowers on them that will sit just above her knees, a wasp waisted silk gown and tiny handmade leather shoes.

An antique leather opera length glove was used to create

a beautiful, shapely soft body for her that will rival her faint complexion!

Old cotton stuffing to plumpen her bum,

and just a few stitches on the toes to seal her all up!

There, languid, long and lovely!

Two pretty, dainty porcelain hands with teensy painted accents to create a slight hint of realism.

I do love a fancy girl with a far away look in her eyes, don't you!

I can't seem to make up her mind... shall she be a dusky hued Brunette?

I think this little mohair wig makes her look very sophisticated,

but she might be need'n to wear

a pair of glasses with this choice!

Lets see...

Maybe an innocent, sugar sweet angel haired blonde?

See how much it changes her personality.

Or she could even be...

a strawberry fiery Redhead!

Which color to you think suits her personality best?

Well either way, one day very soon she will be a prim and proper lady and I will bring her back and share the finished doll with you.

And now, in the Spirit of the Holiday Season

and in salute and tribute to all of you Creative Women out there...

I'm having a Giveaway! Just leave a comment telling me which color hair you like best, and on the 19th of December I will announce the winner of my "Creative Woman" print, it is on a 9" x 12" canvas and finished out in delicate, blue clouds of smooshy dabs of acrylic paint! And just in case you are interested I do have 2 of these available in my Etsy Shop, see you soon!