It has been raining here for the last 6 months straight! But as for me, I love it! It's very condusive to creating. You see, when the sun is out and the birds are singing and the sky is a bright cornflower blue, I feel riddled with guilt not being out in it. So rain, rain stay today, and I won't have to go out and play!
And now on to more serious business...

I found this book at a thrift store (my second home) and let me tell you, BUY it if you come across it! It is published by Flammarion in Paris, 1994, written by Mary Trasko, titled: Daring Do's, A History of Extraordinary Hair and it is, so fun and full of inspiration!

And now a fun little project. Did I mention I collect vintage clothes, and shoes and dolls and well, I'll get into more of that later...
My beautiful sister gave me this Glamourous Barbie, isn't she lovely,
any way I also collect doll clothes (ok, you got me, the list goes on and on) vintage and new. I just bought a new outfit for her, since you see she is dressed in only her lingerie. In the package is a plastic dress form sort of thing. You can use this as a mold, I used plaster of paris, but you can also try a product called Rock Hard Putty (from the hardware store). Cut a very small square out of the bottom edge of the "mold", set the dowel in, mix your chosen medium according to the directions on the container, pour into mold, fill to almost level (leave a bit of room for it to "rise"),

let dry completely and pop your tiny new dress form out of it's mold. Paint any color you desire. Use old jewelry findings, beads, keys, buttons, etc. to make the finial on top, I use a product called GOOP to attach it.

Then for a stable base you can use those large vintage spools of thread, I've used old broken candle cups or other wooden parts found at your local hobby store, here again use Goop to glue the dowel to the base.

Then, and this is the FUNNEST part! Dress as desired, I used bits and pieces of old lace and tiny millenery flowers, vintage ribbon, even a pouffy little scrap of a feather boa (also available at the hobby store). Just stitch or glue (white glue) your " Haute Couture " fashion directly onto the dress form and Volia! Make a whole fall collection! And let me end with this... Signing off : Over and Out my new friends