Well, here goes...this is my first blog entry! I can't believe it! I have been wanting to do this for so long but felt like my two feet were stuck in a block of ice! Alas, I know next to nothing about computers. ( but vow to learn!) And for me this is verrry scary! Even as I post this I'm having a terrible time just trying to get my bio photo over in the right place! And my mind is racing, will any one ever see this, will it sound silly or too nutty or off kilter? Maybe it's too much for me , but I really want to join in on the fun , I am a faithful reader of so many of the wonderful blogs out there and gain so much insight and inspiration from all of you who share your art and lives with us. My contribution will simply be bits and parts of my artistic life and odds and ends of my family life. A little about me, I'm married to the best bass player (and most handsome) in town, have no people kids put two of the cutest furry kids you have ever seen! And just between me and you, they both think they ARE people. Kitty, Romeo, is a twelve year old feral cat,stripey grey with a ringed tail and big green eyes. We found him in the engine of my car, drove all the way down a hill hearing a faint "meowing" when my husband pulled over and opened the hood, there he was, a skinny little cat with grease all over him, that was 12 years and 19 pounds ago, he turned out to be the sweetest and gentlest boy you can imagine. A real cuddle muffin! And then there is Puppy, Oh My, were shall I start! She is now 11 months old and almost 4 pounds of complete and utter lunacy, has so much energy and is into absolutly everything! We named her Juliette,( didn't have much choice), in her photo she looked so sweet and innocent, (I'll post her baby picture and you can see for your self) we almost didn't get her cause we thought "she looks to shy and demure" and we didn't want one of those shakey little dogs. But I learned my lesson, never judge a puppy by a picture!! She rules the house, and has everyone, including the cat under her puppy thumb! Well, I guess thats all for now, I will be posting as often as possible and doing my best to become adept at this, it may take me the rest of the day to get photos on here! Bye for now...