A photo or two has captured a moment, long, long ago. I wonder.

Weightless iridescence of blown glass pearls, ever so tenderly stitched to the finest of silk, just barely hanging on. I treasure.

A tiny tangled, tarnished bit of woven gold netting.

Quiet handmade lace spun from sweet smiles and low whispers. I touch.

A perfectly formed bud. I sigh.

Six inch wide satin ribbon, soft as a petal who's heyday was 1901. I continue.

More lace, but this one spun from giggles, yes, giggles. I grin.

A blonde was her friend, a friend to the end.

A breath of a rose for each decade they spent. I commemorate.

Frayed blossoms in pink upon pink. I delight.

Her brunette B F F was always beside her, through thick and through thin. I celebrate.

The miles they would travel, the years did pass by, in summers and winters, with family and friends, they came and they went, such bonds tie together best friends, yes best friends forever!

To find out more about Amanda & Clarice, their life long friendship and to get all the detailed instructions on how to create the two delicate reticules above, plus a free artwork download I created especially for this project, pick up a copy of the Spring 2008 issue of Haute Handbags. You will be ever so glad you did! You will!