And so Prisilla's throne awaits. A fickle, fickle long legged lass, with tumbles of tousled blonde hair. A delicate beauty, that she is! Eyes as blue as the Aegean, skin so lovely like porcelain and two lips the color of rose buds.

She spends her days sitting, legs kicked up and watches the days pass by.

Did I mention she is fickle?! Just imagine, why today she refused to get dressed before noon! And simply insisted there be two dozen rose petals in her bath! No more, no less!

Ah, but quilty we surely are, for we do indulge her so.

I say who, but who could resist a creature of such beauty?!
The Details:
The columns were made from a wood dowel and wooden end caps, then marbleized with acrylic paints. The statues are two old lead pieces I cut off of a metal stand, they are attached to inverted metal candle cups. For the throne I used craft wire and some sea shells I found on a trip. An antique brass drawer pull is the back rest. And a cushion made from very old lace with tiny seed pearls stitched into the center. As for the doll, she has a bleached blonde mohair wig and porcelain head, shoulder plate and fore arms, the rest is wire and batting. And her dress is made of fabrics dating from before 1900.