Do you ever get the urge to just paint something?!

To paint absolutely anything and quick?!

I've found that a fresh coat of paint can revive a some what lackluster piece and send an already outstanding piece right into orbit! To become yes, Uber Chic!

Ever since I was a kid this funny sneaking sensation would ever so oddly pounce on me, some times at the most inopportune of times and whisper into my ear, PAINT SOMETHING!

I simply could not resist! Strange I know but it certainly was fun!

Once I had a perfectly good bike, shiny and pink with those handle bars that dipped way down in the front, with a pretty little

white wicker basket attached to them and a sweet banana seat covered with the most fabulous pink glittered vinyl, you know,

like the racing boats used to be painted in the 60's!? Well, one day I was minding my own business just kicking back

watching Bugs Bunny cartoons and Gumby, when it hit me! I MUST PAINT THAT BIKE! Never mind that it was practically new! Ok, I know right about now you are beginning to ask yourself, Hey, Wonder what the heck her bike with the glittered seat has to do these Pop Art picture frames?! Well I will get to that,

And so off to the garage I went, on a mission! The only paint I could scrape up was a partial can of powder blue and a

small can of a deep plum purple, I poured them both into a another can, used the end of a wooden hammer to mix them together and went to town!

When I was finished the garage floor was painted, I was painted and my bike was now painted, I had even painted my tires blue, a very delicious ,

shade of periwinkle blue!

I, for one just adored it!

But as you can imagine my dad on the other hand, not so much!

WHAT ON EARTH EVER POSSESSED YOU! And at the time all I could muster up the courage to say was,

I dunno! I dunno! Fortunately for me he understood the artist within me and even greatly encouraged my sometimes misguided attempts at self expression!

And so in conclusion, as you can see I still get the uncontrollable URGE to just paint something anything! The best way I can relate it to you is like this; When you get a craving for something, like lets say a hot fudge sunday, nothings stopping me till I get that hot fudge sunday!! Now I'm positive it's all much clearer!

For all the how to's and specifics of mixing paint colors, pick up the March 2008 issue of Romantic Homes magazine and don't miss out on the free artwork. I have included exclusively for Romantic Homes an elements sheet for you to photocopy and use to create your own 3-D paper statue! Quick and easy and lightweight!
Also a reminder to check out the project I created for Teresa Mcfayden's Bellatoria E Zine, before it flies away!