High upon a hill is a castle, where something wonderful is kept. Once you've made your way, way, way up and in, you then must go down, deep down again, right into the darkest and coldest and oldest part of the tower.

Over in the corner, behind the kindling and cobwebs is a small wooden box, delicately lifting the lid you see several sparkling shards of....What, broken glass?!

How can this be, you said it was something special?! Look closely my dears, see the scrap of paper nestled beneath the tiny broken bits, slide it out, careful now so as not to get cut.

Read it aloud, what does it say? To whom it may concern; The precious pieces that rest within came from the glass slipper once worn by none other than Cinderella herself,

such was their fate....reunited with their mate and happily ever after they lived.
Till one did get broken, no words were spoken, just delicately tucked within!

Have you noticed our lovely visitor, a quiet little thing she is, she just floated in on the breeze and decided to stay for a bit!

And when she was finished she fluttered by and right out the window she went!

With out even saying goodbye! Oh, well, such is life!

And so on to the business at hand, I think it is so important to do what we can for each other, to uphold and support each other in gracious and positive ways, and this One World One Heart event is just the perfect venue in which to do so.

Because of the thoughtfulness of Lisa "Oceandreamer" Swiftka at A Whimsical Bohemian our wonderful host for this event we are able to share, if even a small part in each others lives, and I'm happy to be a part of it!

A gift is giving a tiny bit of your heart away, usually when you give some thing away, you have less, stands to reason doesn't it?

But in the case of a gift, you have more, always, always, more.

More friendship, more kindness, more sharing and most of all more love!

I like to give away things that mean a lot to me. Something I throughly enjoyed creating,

and every time I see the piece I am reminded of the particular place in time I was,

and the thoughts that ran through my mind. Each creation is a personal little "time capsule" forever related and attached to

the artist that created it. The two are linked for eternity. It amazes me the places my mind explores while I busily work away.

A moment in 4th grade, a shiver runs down my spine as I recall standing up at the front of the class, reading out loud

the essay I had written on "Our Friend the Platypus", yes I said platypus, well, we got to choose what we wanted to report on and that's what I chose!

Or a trip to the ocean at 10, where I spent hours playing in the surf and talking with all the tiny, curious crabs that gathered

around me as I ate my peanut butter sandwich and wiggled my toes each time the foamy bubbles tickled them.

Oh, but my mind does wonder, and I'm sure glad that it has such a good sense of direction, otherwise it might get lost!

And as all those memories come flooding in they are carried right into the very soul of a project, woven deep within and

there they will always remain!
Fantastically romantic wouldn't you say?!

So there you have it,

a little piece of me,

and a little piece of you,

sharing our gifts with the world!

May I ask you a personal question? What size shoe do you wear? Will these fit you?

I am seeking Cinderella, just leave a comment and you will be entered to win this pair of ~One of a Kind~Paper Slippers! Created by little ol' me, and best of all, there is a funny secret stuck on the bottom of one shoe, and nope, it's not gum, but only the winner will get to find out what it is!

So kick off your shoes and slip into these babies they are guaranteed to satisfy every girls shoe fetish!

And this time, no blisters, I promise! Make sure you leave your contact information, cut off time to enter is Wed Feb 11th at 10pm CST and the winner will be announced February 12th!