As life trots along and we all hurry, hurry, hurry to keep up with it, there are a few announcements I would kindly like to

share with you.
Jo Packham the Vibrant Creator and Editor-in-Chief of the Monumental, Splendiferous magazine

Where Women Create has started her very own blog! If you haven't popped in to say hello be sure and
check it out!
It is really hard to believe that it has been a whole year since
Where Women Create made its glorious debut, so many amazingly

talented and creative women have been featured on its pages. Jo is holding a One Year Anniversary Contest on her blog and
giving away some very cool goodies like this fabulous Where Women Create charm bracelet! Isn't it simply delicious!

And now for the second exciting announcement...you will want to be sure to mark your calendars and Save the Date...

for the Fall of 2010 for The Creative Connection, (info coming soon,
Check here!) it will be a new type of event for creative women and women entrepreneurs. This event will bring together the top women industry leaders in the world of crafts, fashion, technology & e-commerce as they look at & share experiences, tips & tools, ideas & community with fellow creative women through workshops, panels & seminars. This is a NOT TO BE MISSED EVENT! I know I for one cannot wait for it! Info will be posted at www.wherewomencreate.com very soon!

Moving right along... there is a fun new book called
Scraps - An Inspirational Field Guide To Collage. It is published by
Lark books 
Sterling and features beautiful everyday items and images

arranged in fresh, charming and interesting new ways.

It even answers the age old question...

When is a collage finished?

Something that even though seems like it should be obvious can be quite tricky indeed!

The book is by the lovely Elsebeth Gynther &
Christine Clemmensen, who by the way happens to be holding a contest on her blog too! I am sure she will be pleased if you to drop in and check it out!

So many wonderfully magical things are happening right now, I am almost breathless with all of the news! My friends Victoria and Richard MacKenzie-Childs at
have released their newest and most miraculous design collection... a handmade limited edition quilt by Victoria herself (no kidding)!

This gorgeous glass necklace is so colorful, sparkly and pretty it will make your eyes water!

Hop on over and take a peek and be prepared to be dazzled!

And lastly, you may have have noticed a few changes on my side bar...

Like my new
Etsy Shop! 
I am very happy to say I have f i n a l l y opened it up.

It has been a great new adventure and let me just say

I will be offering up for sale some nifty and intriguing little things that

I personally find quite appealing.

The sketchbooks and journals have different personal messages and

a hand drawn sketch on the very first page of things that fascinate me... just to get you started. I think it's a unique way for us to share a journal together!

You will also find lots of hand poured, smooth and creamy porcelain parts and pieces, unusual lovelies to add to your own

altered artwork and masterpieces, very special things you won't find anywhere else in the world!

And occasionally there will be some of the most spectacularly silly and unique vintage items that I have carefully collected over the years and that I now figure it is high time to be passed along so that they may be enjoyed by many others too!