Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving and Thank You!

I am thankful for plentiful seasons and lean years.
I am thankful for crisp Spring days that lead into lazy Summers and frosty Winter nights.

I am thankful for sunrises in the mornings, sunsets at dusk and moon beams by twilight.

I am thankful for sparkling stars, blue skies and red roses.
I am thankful for cuddly kittens and playful pups.

I am thankful for simple thoughts, a stream of consciousness and complex endeavors.

I am thankful for artistic inklings, literary curiosity and musical enchantments.

I am thankful for all that I've come to know as well as all that I have forgotten!

I am thankful for alertness, awareness and yes, even oblivion.

I am thankful for tomorrows, yesterdays and happily ever afters.

I am thankful for laughter through the tears.

I am thankful for a bounty of friends and family.

And I am thankful for the opportunity to share a few stolen moments with all of you who do the same for me!
Wishing you all another Happy Thanksgiving!
P.S. I have filled my new Etsy shop to the brim with goodies, stop in and take a peek!